On January 31, 2025, on Shang Jong Parker's 65th birthday, on what was supposed to be a happy day to celebrate 65 years of being alive, but was instead a somber day, Supreme Leader Shang Jong Parker ordered a setup for a televised address at a conference room at his winter estate in Xeuxiang National Forest Park in China, his speech was prepared, and that and two microphones were placed on the table and a camera crew were placed next to the table where Parker will look at the camera as it is on live ready to broadcast Parker's speech.
It was dawn, January 31, 2025, Parker arrived with his wife, daughter, and son. Parker took time to talk to them until his present family sat and Parker walks to the table and sits where his speech is in front of him on the table and two microphones present next to the speech.
As the cameras began to roll, Parker looked up and begins to speak his first two paragraphs:
My dear comrades, members of the 2025-2029 Parliament, fellow subjects. Tonight, I wantto address our progress over the past five years and what will be done in the next fiveyears. In my time as Supreme Leader, we have made significant improvements indemocracy, human rights, and prosperity in the Empire of Chawosauria through newrights and freedoms outlined by the Imperial Constitution of the Empire of Chawosauria,as well as new ways the government works democratically and diplomatically with thepeople of Chawosauria. Through the Green New Deal, we have changed how energy andelectricity are used, how we Chawosaurians approach the environment, and how jobtraining of the youth is done. We’ve made significant improvements in our infrastructure,healthcare, education, and the economy. We have further empowered labor unions andworking men and women. Under my leadership, we have safeguarded the LGBTQ+community here in Chawosauria even in a dangerous era in the community’s history, andwe have defended women’s rights here in Chawosauria.With that in mind, let us look to the future in the next five years. As for my future,personally, I have decided that a second term as your Supreme Leader is not right for menor would it be right for my family, their sake, their privacy, their wellbeing, and theirfuture, therefore I declare my retirement from politics for good effective on the day mycurrent term expires at near midnight, 11:59 PM, December 31st, 2029. But let this be clearand known, there is no honor I am most proud of more than to give my service, give all ofmy all, to this great world Chawosauria is as Prime Minister in the ‘90s and as yourSupreme Leader in this increasingly turbulent decade. As difficult of a decision as this isfor me, we must always know the time to pass the torch to a new generation. I have donemy part, now it’s time for someone else to do his or her part, right here, in this chair. It hasbeen more than just a simple honor to be your Supreme Leader, and I will for eternity beforever grateful every day to you for allowing me this chance to hold this torch, claim thismantle, and lead this nation, the Empire of Chawosauria, to greatness and glory.
Once the whole address was over, the whole room, except his family present, were shocked. The camera crew were not expecting an abdication speech from a Supreme Leader known to hold power with an iron first, they were expecting something of a birthday address given it was Parker's birthday that day.
The announcement of Parker's abdication sent shockwaves all across Chawosauria. The Chawosaurian Communist Party, Parker's party, lost its ability to hold the party together against interparty factionalism; Parker's critics were flustered; Parker's supporters were devastated and heartbroken; and the Chawosaurian government and public found themselves flustered and wondering how to move forward. Parker was going to face impeachment proceedings over his handling of the Black Winter Riots, but when Parker announced his abdication, impeachment plans were dropped, making a recall election unlikely to happen, this upset the Recall Parker movement.
Parker was widely thanked for his political service, but his critics celebrated his abdication. Anti-government movements in Chawosauria chanted, "The Tyrant Has Fallen!"
Parker's abdication significantly transformed the 2029 Chawosaurian direct election, from a question of whether Parker deserves a second term, to a matter of succession of the now-lame-duck Parker. For the rest of the 2025-2029 government term in Chawosauria, Parker's abdication is extremely transformative and seismic.
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