Parker Is No Bismarck
The 2024 Chawosaurian midterm elections failed to deliver the kind of blow another political titan Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII received in the 1945 Chawosaurian parliamentary election at the hands of the Chawallian Communist Party led by Timothy Max Roosevelt.
Parker may have accomplished what Bismarck failed to, which is to beat back a strong anti-establishment challenger, which was Wendell Rawlings Burton, who was supposed to deliver a strong conservative revolution that would upend seven decades of left-wing rule. Burton failed to deliver on that revolutionary wave. He won no seats, lost the 9 seats he gained in by-elections, and didn't even get 1% of the popular vote despite an impressive showing in the raw vote.
Prime Minister Jonathan MacAlasdair of the Communist Party won 986 seats and 96% of the popular vote, Bismarck in 1945 won just 139 seats and 5% of the popular vote, but the reason Bismarck won 139 seats was that he won tiny constituencies in regions with small populations or small turnout. Johnathan Alexandria, a Supreme Leader, was too intellectually challenged to be relevant.
In 2017, when the Communists lost control of the Chawopolis Palace for the first time in about 80 years, Johnathan Saint Nicholas Montgomery VII was another Timothy Max Roosevelt, an insurgent revolutionary against the parliamentary establishment, but Prime Minister Boleslaus was not tarnished as Bismarck was, in fact, he recovered, and his re-established popularity would have made no difference in the 2019 landslide of the Communist Party back to parliamentary control if he was able to get a second term.
Potential insurgent leaders are being brought up, such as Samuel A. Rawlings, Zackary Van Belleghem, Johnathan Saint Nicholas Montgomery VII again, and among others. But Wendell Burton was not that insurgent leader
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