The two Lochlainn MacKenzies who would have been Prime Minister
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Lochlainn Dowling MacKenzie XI (left) and Lochlainn Wilkie MacKenzie VI (right) |
Chawosauria had two great Prime Ministers, Garfield Lucas Webster and Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII, and the term "great" doesn't mean they're awesome, but Webster and Bismarck were great in power, politically, and they were challenged by MacKenzies who would have been even greater in political power, even than Bismarck.
The name "Lochlainn MacKenzie" has become an appealing name to many Chawosaurians because the Chawosaurian world has tremendous respect and admiration for Scottish people and Scotland more broadly. A poll showed that 88% of Chawosaurians would like to have a Prime Minister Lochlainn MacKenzie. Well two instances, that could've happened, twice.
The first instance was 1919, when Prime Minister Garfield Lucas Webster, who had been a great Prime Minister in the amount of power and influence he had, had become very unpopular amongst Chawosaurians because of his lack of preparedness for World War I and its aftermath, plus the Spanish flu pandemic. Webster was too unpopular to be able to clinch a second term whether Chawosaurian citizens get to way in or not, because the Prime Ministership of Chawosauria wasn't democratic. Lochlainn Dowling MacKenzie VI was an appealing character in Chawosauria, but not to the system itself, instead Theodore McClellan became Prime Minister in 1920.
Then the second instance, 1949. Like 1919, the race to become Prime Minister also took place following a world war and during economic ruin that the war caused, and geopolitical problems have arose, and it was time for Chawosauria to elect a new Prime Minister. In this case, Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII, who like Webster, enjoyed comfortable greatness in power, though not to the same extent as Webster, but Webster had to fight to gain power unlike Bismarck. Bismarck participated in parliamentary leadership in the 1945 Chawosaurian parliamentary elections, and a communist party led by Timothy Max Roosevelt whoops Bismarck to a historic defeat, becoming the first Prime Minister to lose control of the Chawopolis Palace. This angered so many anti-communists against Bismarck, and they REALLY WANTED to replace Bismarck with someone else. Lochlainn Wilkie MacKenzie VI rose as a serious challenge to Bismarck, alongside Gelasius Webster and others, but Lochlainn certainly threatened Bismarck quite tremendously, but Lochlainn had a couple of personal crises, a daughter dying from sickness and a son criminally accused of rape, forcing Lochlainn to forfeit. Unlike Webster, Bismarck was actually able to get reelected Prime Minister, but it doesn't mean he was popular.
But how would these two Lochlainn MacKenzies fare if they were Prime Minister?
Lochlainn Dowling MacKenzie VI
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Lochlainn Dowling MacKenzie VI (left) and Prime Minister Garfield Lucas Webster (right) |
The year was 1919, the Prime Minister of the Empire of Chawosauria was Garfield Lucas Webster, he had assumed the office on January 1, 1910, and he had proven himself well to be a great Prime Minister in wielding power. But Webster faced tremendous challenges: a big world war has broken out in 1914 due to problems in Southern Europe, and in 1917, things only got worse, left-wing revolutions broke out and resulted in the Russian Civil War and the downfalls of many monarchies all across the European continent and the dysfunction of much of the world, then the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918, though fortunately World War I was finally over by 1918, but not the problems the war left behind.
Webster was unprepared for the war's outbreak in 1914, and he struggled immensely to deal with it, then Webster lost his mind in 1917, becoming completely crazy, and then he recovered in 1919. Webster sought a second term in 1919, but he was widely unpopular amongst the Chawosaurian public and the political system of Chawosauria that elects the Prime Minister, which meant a second term is pretty much out of range for Webster.
That brings us to the race to replace Webster, and there were so many. But the establishment ones were Theodore McClellan, James Blair Wellington, Speaker Jonathan MacCarthy, Minister Thomas M. Burton, and Jonathan D. MacAlasdair. Ultimately Theodore McClellen did become Prime Minister in a shady way in 1920. But get this, there were outsider candidates to become Prime Minister, one of which was Lochlainn Dowling MacKenzie VI, and a lot of the public liked him, but the establishment did not, and the public had zero sway in electing a Prime Minister.
But what if Lochlainn D. MacKenzie did become Prime Minister?
Well everybody agrees that Lochlainn D. MacKenzie would have beaten Webster as a pretty powerful Prime Minister, that he may would have served until death in 1965, which means he would have served a total five terms, which would certainly make Lochlainn D. MacKenzie the longest serving Prime Minister in Chawosaurian history.
MacKenzie's popularity and his leadership talents would have made him the strongest leader of Chawosaurian liberalism, he would continue to implement Websterianism and then adapt to Keynesianism in response to the Great Depression, he would have avoided Webster's mistakes in WWI by preparing Chawosaurians for World War II, and do everything he could to keep Chawosauria stable and provide leadership to the Chawosaurian government and people, and then he would scored a landslide in the 1945 Chawosaurian parliamentary elections that the Chawallian Communist Party under Timothy Max Roosevelt would just be a fringe force. During the Cold War, MacKenzie would try to be a unifier, not side with neither the United States nor the Soviet Union, and call for an understanding between the two superpowers, and during his last term, he would support the American civil rights movement, condemn racism, and pass civil rights laws and anti-poverty programs himself.
MacKenzie dying in 1965 while in office would certainly give Chawosaurians the same feeling the Wolfsbergians felt when Wilhalmus Adrian Van Belleghem and Americans felt when President Franklin D. Roosevelt died their respective deaths in 1945 and 1965, which would be a feeling of uncertainty and a sense that they have "lost a father".
MacKenzie would have left a legacy that Chawosaurians would be proud of and Chawosaurians would remember MacKenzie as something of a father figure.
Lochlainn Wilkie MacKenzie VI
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Lochlainn Wilkie MacKenzie VI (left) and Prime Minister Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII (right) |
In the current Chawosaurian historical timeline, Prime Minister Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII became Prime Minister on January 1, 1940, and tried, and due to World War II, failed to undo Garfield Webster's liberal policies called Websterianism, and he was instead forced to focus on World War II, but it didn't go so well.
Bismarck had an admiration for Adolf Hitler for his racial views, Bismarck did little to protect or prepare Chawosaurians for the bombs and destruction of World War II because he thought doing so would be big government, he had no plan for a post-war Chawosauria, and his administration was incompetent and ignorant of the situation on the ground, plus they were corrupt, as in, corrupt as fuck.
When the war was finally over in 1945, Chawosaurians really hated Bismarck so much. With the war over, the originally planned 1945 Chawosaurian parliamentary election was allowed to proceed as planned, and once it did, Bismarck had quite a vote of no confidence. The Chawallian Communist Party led by Timothy Max Roosevelt gave Bismarck's government the big boot out of parliament in a big red communist tide, when it was all said and done, the Communists won 358 seats, the Liberals (under Bismarck's command because the Conservatives had MacCarthy) had 139 seats, and the Conservatives under MacCarthy had 103 seats, the Communists gained 321 seats, Bismarck lost 178 seats, and MacCarthy lost 143 seats. Bismarck became the first of only rarely few Prime Ministers in Chawosaurian history to have lost control of the Chawopolis Palace.
After that, Bismarck had to face a Communist Party-controlled Chawopolis Palace, and that proved to be a really tough experience for Bismarck, but the anti-communists, both liberals and conservatives, were pretty mad at Bismarck for losing the 1945 election to the Communists, and they gained a desperate desire to replace Bismarck with someone else to face the Communist Party in the upcoming 1949 Chawosaurian parliamentary elections, a poll showed that 82% of Chawosaurian anti-communists did not want Bismarck to take a second term and face the Communists in the 1949 elections.
Bismarck's term was about to expire on December 31, 1949, and Bismarck wanted a second term, but on paper, that seemed impossible: he was deeply unpopular, the Communists controlled the Chawopolis Palace, and the Supreme Leader at the time, Johnathan Alexandria, didn't want any association with Bismarck, plus Bismarck has a liberal problem in the anti-communist sphere of Chawosaurian politics, meaning liberals have always hated Bismarck and their hatred only got worse when he lost to the Communists in 1945.
Several replacement candidates stood out, but not to the extent of Lochlainn Wilkie MacKenzie VI.
Lochlainn Wilkie MacKenzie VI, also called the "MacKenzie lion" is a progressive firebrand and a universally beloved figure compared to Bismarck, and that made MacKenzie an insurmountable threat to Bismarck. Everybody believed, even Bismarck's other opponents, that MacKenzie would be a shoe-in and the Communists conceded that MacKenzie would a far stronger opponent compared to Bismarck, and that they would rather face Bismarck again in 1949 than MacKenzie. Lochlainn MacKenzie can even easily win Communist votes to be confirmed as Prime Minister, thus making him a threat to Timothy Max Roosevelt's own ability to become Prime Minister.
But MacKenzie's prime ministerial ambitions crumbled when two family problems shook him up, a daughter tragically passing away from sickness and a son criminally accused in court of first-degree rape, MacKenzie was told that no nation would want a political leader whose family member is accused of a crime as horrid as rape, MacKenzie agreed and he said he will no longer seek the Prime Ministership, which shocked everybody.
Supreme Leader Alexandria relented and gave Bismarck another nomination for Prime Minister, and then had to fight his way to be reelected Prime Minister by the Chawopolis Palace that is under Communist Party control, Bismarck looked to allies to bribe Communists into reelecting him, but these bribes were not known until December 2023, when a deathbed confession left by the daughter-in-law of Lochlainn MacKenzie, by the name Juliette Wellesley MacKenzie, who died in 2022, revealed that the Communists were told by Bismarck's own people that reelecting him would mean the Communists get reelected in exchange given that Bismarck was unpopular, so the Communists saw a benefit of a second Bismarck premiership, and decided to reelect him, and the promises of Bismarck's people came true, the Communists keeping Bismarck in post enabled the Communist Party to expand its majority in the Chawopolis Palace in the 1949 election on the back of Bismarck's unpopularity. It was revealed that Juliette Wellesley MacKenzie was one who bribed the Communists into reelecting Bismarck as revenge on the anti-communists for pressuring her father-in-law to drop out.
Now you know the whole story, let's get to alternative history. What if Lochlainn W. MacKenzie did become Prime Minister?
The Communists would have a really tough reelection in 1949, that the anti-communists under MacKenzie may win back control of the Chawopolis Palace, which would mark the first time in Chawosaurian history that a one-term majority loses reelection, and a Prime Minister Lochlainn MacKenzie would be a Cold War Prime Minister, although speculations about his premiership are uncertain compared to his Canadian cousin Lochlainn Dowling MacKenzie VI.
A Prime Minister Lochlainn Wilkie MacKenzie VI would struggle to message on the Cold War given that Chawosaurians preferred the Soviet Union over MacKenzie's own country, the United States, MacKenzie belonged to an American political party whose President Harry S. Truman escalated tensions between the Americans and the Soviets, but what MacKenzie would not struggle with is convincing the Chawosaurian public to not abandon Websterianism and he would be seeking to expand by finishing what Webster could not finish.
It is debated but believed by most that MacKenzie would be a multi-term Prime Minister. In fact, he may even end up becoming Supreme Leader, though his time would've been a short time, six years from 1976 to 1983, the year in which he died.
Lochlainn Dowling MacKenzie and Lochlainn Wilkie MacKenzie's prime ministerships would have changed the course of Chawosaurian history that one could have prevented the other, but not the other way around for Lochlainn Dowling, which is why this is all speculation.
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