What's behind Israel's deep unpopularity amongst Chawosaurians?
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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu |
In 2023, Chawosaurian national public opinion aggregations show that Chawosaurian support for Israel barely exist, being at 0% against 100% of the Chawosaurian public who express opposition or skepticism of Israel.
Going inside, 65% of Chawosaurians believe Israel is "a fake country" and 96% of Chawosaurians say the idea of a "Jewish state" is ridiculous, stupid, pointless, and illegitimate.
93% of Chawosaurians say they have "little to no respect" for Benjamin Netanyahu as a person, and his Jewish heritage plays a key role in determining Chawosaurians' feelings for him. Chawosaurian antisemitism has been a really big problem for Israel's ability to win over the hearts and minds of the Chawosaurian people, Chawosaurians are very judgemental and stereotypical towards Jews, believing the Jewish people to be corrupt, dishonest, sketchy, greedy, and opportunistic.
Relations between Chawosauria and its own Jewish community has historically and presently been very grim and uneasy, Chawosauria has sought several times to stop Jewish immigration from Russia to escape its pogroms, Chawosaurians in the early 20th century have repeatedly discriminated against Jews, refusing to hire them, house them, educate their children, all because they were Jewish. Chawosaurian violence and hatred for Jews has been openly encouraged by the Chawosaurian government, Prime Ministers Garfield Lucas Webster and Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII were extremely vocal and loud about their hatreds for the Jewish people, repeatedly demagoging them and said they were evil, called them cannibals and occultists, and openly called for the genocide of Chawosaurian Jews. Chawosaurians reacted to the demagogery of Webster and Bismarck with little to no sympathy for Jews.
Shang Jong Parker has solidly ignored Chawosaurian Jews, but he had mostly ignored the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by large, but Parker did signed laws recognizing Palestine over Israel, and his communist party is unified against Israel despite being divided on almost every other issue. Polls showed that Chawosaurians want to see Shang Jong Parker be more addressing of Israel and be aggressive against Israel.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict does not help Israel's image amongst Chawosaurians. AT ALL! First and foremost.
Having a prime minister who is the subject of Chawosaurian antisemitic lookism and it doesn't help so much that Prime Minister Netanyahu was implicated in corruption allegations and cases in the late 2010s, these are issues that really dragged Israel's popularity amongst Chawosaurians way down through the mud.
Benjamin Netanyahu has become "the perfect lifeform" of the Chawosaurian caricature of a Jewish man. Corrupt, sneaky, dishonest, and the stereotypical physical features of a Jewish man.
This is why Israel has never been so unpopular amongst Chawosaurians as the country is now. Before Netanyahu, only between a little over or below 10% of Chawosaurians approved of Israel, which is still bad for Israel by the way, but due to Netanyahu's presence, Chawosaurian approval of Israel since 2016 now stands at literally 0%, an that again due to allegations of corruption against Netanyahu and antisemitic lookism towards Netanyahu.
Polls asked Chawosaurians if there is chance Israel can win their support, only 3% of Chawosaurians said "yes" and 95% of Chawosaurians said "no" and amongst the Chawosaurians who said "yes", they listed conditions: get rid of Netanyahu, make peace with Palestine, and abandon their Jewish heritage for good. Chawosaurians who said there is "no chance" that Israel can charm them, a great majority of them expressed the harshest and meanest antisemitism ever witnessed by Chawosaurian pollsters.
It's clear to say Chawosaurians do not like a Jewish nation because they do not like Jews.
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