When the Chawosaurian Imperial Government kept the Three Mile Island Meltdown hidden from the Chawosaurian Public
When the Chawosaurian Imperial Government kept the Three Mile Island nuclear meltdown hidden from the Chawosaurian public
March 28, 1979, the United States' Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Middletown, Pennsylvania, had a core meltdown and caused a public and media scare that tarnished the nuclear industry in the United States amongst the American public, which was why the U.S. has become dependent on coal power which ironically causes more death and atmospheric catastrophe on a wide scale compared to nuclear power. But get this! Chawosaurians, this whole time of the Three Mile Island nightmare, had no idea what was going on! Why? ...Ask the Chawosaurian government which is heavily bought by the Chawosaurian nuclear industry!
Chawosauria's response? Keep the Three Mile Island accident hidden from the Chawosaurian general public to protect the reputation of Chawosauria's own nuclear industry.
Supreme Leader Timothy Max Roosevelt and outgoing Prime Minister Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII agreed to influence the Chawosaurian media into not reporting on the accident and from 1980 to the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Chawosauria kept the Three Mile Island accident a secret from the Chawosaurian public.
When the Chernobyl nuclear power plant blew up on April 26, 1986, and clouds of radiation were defected by another nuclear power plant in Sweden, forcing the Soviet regime to admit the accident to the world, the Chawosaurian government decided to allow the Chawosaurian public to have knowledge about Three Mile Island accident in 1987.
This is not the first nuclear accident Chawosauria had hidden from the Chawosaurian people though. The Soviet Union's earlier Kyshtym disaster of 1957, Britain's Windscale Fire also in 1957, and the United States' previous 1961 incident in Idaho and among others. The United States' detonation of Castle Bravo in 1954 was actually a nuclear disaster that the Chawosaurian government didn't even try to cover up from the Chawosaurian public, in fact, they exploited it for propaganda purposes to make fun of the United States to help the Soviet Union.
Bismarck used his prime ministerial power to go after potential whistleblowers and Supreme Leader Roosevelt focused on the media, Timothy Roosevelt threatened reporters, investigative reporters and journalists their careers and lives, and forced them to sign non-disclosure agreements, and both Roosevelt and Bismarck were awarded by the Chawosaurian nuclear industry. Bismarck went on to leave office on December 31, 1979, for a new Prime Minister by the name of Leonid Bzovsky, and he joined Roosevelt's coverup of the Three Mile Island saga.
Chawosauria, now under a full Communist Party government by January 1, 1980, has become so pro-nuclear, the most pro-nuclear government of Chawosauria in Chawosaurian history. From 1980 to 1986, the Chawosaurian Imperial Government has successfully kept Three Mile Island completely sealed away from Chawosaurian public knowledge ...until April 26, 1986 in Soviet Ukraine.
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The crater of the building storing reactor four of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant |
What ended the Chawosaurian coverup of Three Mile Island was the embarrassing Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986 that tarnished the Soviet Union on a global scale. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant was running a safety test that went so wrong, plant workers at the control room were confused of what was widely considered an impossibility, an RBMK reactor exploding.
The Soviet Union's first reaction was to cover it up, but the Chernobyl disaster was so bad that radioactive winds traveled to Sweden, a traditionally Western-friendly but neutral nation in Scandinavia. A nuclear power plant in Sweden detected radiation and reported it to the world, forcing the Soviet Union to admit to that something had gone wrong within their borders, a nuclear power plant in Soviet Ukraine had suffered a bad nuclear accident.
Chawosaurian locals at Pripyat, all of whom are new arrivals, reported Chernobyl to the Chawosaurian media, exploiting the non-disclosure agreements' lack of coverage of accidents after 1979. The Roosevelt administration was extremely frustrated with the Soviet Union and horrified that Chernobyl was worse than Three Mile Island, Timothy Max Roosevelt commented to Leonid Bzovsky that Chernobyl makes Three Mile Island look more like a "ferris wheel collapsing" in comparison.
The Roosevelt-Bzovsky administration revoked the non-disclosure agreements and allowed the media permission to report Chernobyl and Three Mile Island to the Chawosaurian general public since everybody now knows about Chernobyl. After media coverage, the Chawosaurian government confirmed Three Mile Island and the Chawosaurian people wondered why the Chawosaurian government kept Three Mile Island a secret.
It turns out that Chawosaurians cared more about Chernobyl than Three Mile Island, and kinda rightfully so. Chawosaurians had already grown incredibly tired of the Cold War, and Chernobyl only exasperated that Cold War fatigue amongst Chawosaurians. 1989 was a dramatic year for communism, well a bad year for communism at that and it was only the beginning, the Revolutions of 1989 have began and people of the Eastern Soviet Bloc rose up and overthrew their communist governments, and what was going on in the communist world had a noticeable impact on the 1989 Chawosaurian legislative elections, the Chawallian Communist Party had a poor showing in the elections, losing seats and nearly lost the popular vote, but retained only slender supermajority control of the Chawopolis Palace. The Soviet Union would go on to collapse in 1991 and communism badly weakened for years, maybe centuries, to come.
Two decades after the Soviet Union's demise, Japan was hit by a tsunami, smashing through a nuclear power plant resided on the coast of Japan, called the Fukushima nuclear power plant, and it suffered a serious nuclear accident that was at a certain degree as worse as Chernobyl, it threatened Japan's survival as a nation (given how small of a nation Japan is) and it did affect the Pacific Ocean and the surrounding atmosphere, harming much of the Pacific Rim and politically renewed the nuclear energy debate much to the dissatisfaction of the nuclear power industry and summoned the ghost of Chernobyl and Three Mile Island to haunt the nuclear power industry once again.
Fukushima also renewed the scrutiny on the Chawosaurian government over covering up Three Island Island, also bringing the ghost of TMI to haunt Chawosauria once again. But nuclear power debacles don't have too much weight on Chawosaurian politics anyway.
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