Blogger's Opinion: The Downside Of A Post-Roe America...For Republicans?

 A post-Roe America, is that bad...for Republicans?

While the Democrats may no longer have a Roe v. Wade anymore unless the Supreme Court gives a surprise devastating blow to the Republicans that is, then it will be the Republicans who will have their own Roe, in other words, they're gonna be the ones standing on defensive territory on abortion, which is never chartered territory for Republicans after 50 years of standing on offensive territory.

Is that bad? Well, countless polls show that the fall of Roe may not be popular with most Americans and Red states like Alabama have passed too crazy anti-abortion laws, too crazy even for pro-lifers to support, like Alabama passing a law that outlaws abortion even for rape and incest, further exasperating a classic trope that the South is a region full of uneducated inbreds but that's a blog post for another time.

The point is that the Democrats are planning to exploit the fall of Roe as ammunition to rally up extremely pissed pro-choicers and liberal activists to put Democratic voter turnout on steroids to win the midterm of 2022 to hold control or gain comfortable control of Congress which will mean Congress, with a Democrat in the White House, will overrule the Supreme Court legislatively to restore Roe and maybe possibly expand the number of seats to the Supreme Court to make it harder to overrule Congress back, that will be so beneficial for the Democratic agenda as well. But will the Democrats succeed to use the fall of Roe to their advantage is right now up for speculation and watching and seeing.

But if the Democrats do succeed, then the Supreme Court has dealt a historic blow to the Republican Party, stopping the GOP from winning control of Congress as the opposition party and making them the first opposition party since the Democrats in 2002 to have failed to win control of Congress as the opposition party and that scenario will strengthen President Biden's position for reelection since he already stated that he may run for reelection despite his incredible age at 82 by 2024, but this age concern is really nothing new given that President Ronald Reagan had to deal with these very same questions back when he ran for reelection in 1984, but Biden is really older than Reagan. Reagan was 73 when he was reelected in '84 and Biden will be 82 by 2024. Questioning Biden's mental health? Don't worry, that's not new either! Reagan was called worse: they said he was crazy! 

If Republicans want to take away abortion rights and get away with it, they need to keep a close eye on the Democrats and their campaign operations starting with the 2022 midterms, and public opinion that is. 

The fall of Roe v. Wade will only worsen the political division that America already has and make election campaigns, even more, bloodier and nastier. Republicans better be careful and know what kind of territory they think they're trespassing on.
