Opinion Polling Disasters: Shang Jong Parker and Joe Biden!

 Shang Parker and Joe Biden's Polling Disasters

LEFT: Shang Jong Parker. RIGHT: Joe Biden.

What will be clear in 2022 is that two leaders from two different worlds will be unpopular for different reasons. Joe Biden, President of the United States, saw his popularity crumble during the Fall of Kabul to the Taliban after he ordered to withdraw troops from Afghanistan as part of the Doha Agreement brokered by his predecessor in 2020, ending the U.S. War in Afghanistan for good. Biden beats Parker in who can see his popularity collapse in such a speedy pace and who's to say Biden did't work hard to speed the needle against him, right? Well, ending a war is different from starting one, and Shang Jong Parker, Supreme Leader of the Empire of Chawosauria from the Chawosaurian world, had worked as long as he could to start a war that leads to disaster for his own country. In 2020, Parker's popularity rode SO INCREDIBLY HIGH amongst the Chawosaurian public because of COVID-19, his approval ratings were always over the 80s, mostly over the 90s in percentage-wise throughout 2020, always beating Donald Trump, U.S. President back then, at both by margin and public opinion amongst his people, so outbesting a U.S. President is never unfamiliar territory for Parker, but what is unfamiliar territory is being outbested by a U.S. President, by November his approval polling will be released and shows his approval rating fell from 55% down to 37%, while Biden may likely have an approval rating over 41% or just a little higher below 45% or also higher. 

Biden's approval rating in early 2021 was always at the low 50s, which was really good, but then over time in 2021 fell to the low 40s even though disapproval struggles to get to 50% or remain there for a long period of time, which could change in 2022 unless Biden does something that REALLY turns his ratings around quicker than his opponents would like to see, something Shang Parker won't have the luxury to because of how bad the Chawo-Uralic War is. Parker's popularity collapsed harder than Biden's because of his execution of the Chawo-Uralic War, his support for the Ural Wall, and his attempts to retain the power to execute the war as he sees fit. 

As Biden remains in a hopeful position as Afghanistan fades away, Parker is not in a hopeful position given the situation that he is in. The American media is predicting a Republican wave in the 2022 midterms dispute the Republicans having their own internal problems that is threatening to make them squander the 2022 midterms for the Democrats, which of course, midterm elections are unfriendly territory to the President, in this case, Democratic President Joe Biden. 

Shang Parker may meet President Lyndon B. Johnson's fate in 2029, even though on October 19th, that the Chawosaurian Communist Party announced that Parker will be their candidate for 2029 because he's the incumbent, the problem is that that's exactly what the Democrats said about Lyndon Johnson in 1968 as he as President presides over an unpopular U.S. war in Vietnam, yet Johnson was still forced to surrender and instead passed his party over to a hopeless deputy, Hubert Humphrey, who lost the 1968 presidential election to Republican Richard M. Nixon, though Democrats were fortunate to keep control of Congress and derail much of the Nixon administration's domestic agenda. But Nixon did end the war...well...kinda. 

If someone is lucky to have a second chance, it's Joe Biden, who can still turn the US economy around and turn the COVID-19 pandemic around, as well as addressing the Republicans' most preciously favorite crisis of all: the U.S.-Mexico border. Parker in comparison has certainly put himself in a Harry Truman, LBJ, and George W. Bush type situation that could lead to a midterm backlash and a forced departure from a reelection bid. Parker would need a godly heavenly miracle. It's safe to say that Shang Jong Parker is...FOCKED!!!...and that's a problem Parker chose to put himself in by instigating and escalating the Chawo-Uralic War over a really unpopular Chawosaurian border in the Ural Mountains.

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