A 2021 Cali Recall and a Canadian snap! What differs from the 2017 Chawosaurian recall elections against DKA and snap legislative elections?
2021 North America vs. 2017 Chawosauria
The U.S. state of California held a partisan recall election petitioned by Republicans against the state's Governor, Gavin Newsom, a Democrat overwhelmingly elected in 2018, for his handling of COVID-19; and way up north of the entire United States of America, a snap Parliamentary election in Canada called by its Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, who hopes calling an election early (that's what a snap election is in Parliamentary countries) will bolster his Liberal Party from a minority government (in which a party has the most seats but not an outright majority in Parliament) up to a majority government due to high poll numbers for his handling of COVID-19.
But the new elections ended with disastrous results: Gavin Newsom repeated his 2018 landslide which helped him defeat the recall, making the Republicans look more like desperate morons to the whole country by calling a recall election in a very unfriendly state in hopes to repeat a successful 2003 recall election that resulted in the election of Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger, a really internationally famous movie star and athlete. And in Canada, a previous election result was also repeated in the 2021 snap election, the Liberals only retained a minority government, leaving the Liberals empty-handed. With two power-grab elections leaving the power-grabbing parties empty-handed, they now had to face the baggage of really pissed-off taxpayers for making them have to dig from their pocketbooks to pay for shallow partisan elections to satisfy a desperate attempt to use democracy to score political points against the other party.
In the 2017 Chawosaurian elections, the Chawallian Communist Party, through their authority as the ruling party of the Chawopolis Palace, ordered two recall elections against Supreme Leader Degotoga K. Atagulkalu, an anti-communist, but defeated them twice only narrowly, and Prime Minister Jonathan Dragan Boleslaus IX was pressured to do a snap election to coincide with the last recall election against DKA, but alongside the narrow reelection of DKA, the Communists lost so many seats that they fellow from supermajority to superminority status in the Chawopolis Palace, losing their first Chawopolis Palace election since the outbreak of World War II in 1939. DKA and his anti-communists now by January 1, 2018, have the monarchy and the Chawopolis Palace, giving them the ability to pass their agenda, which it's fairly progressive and social-democratic, becoming known as the Arsenals of Socialism. DKA died in office in March 2019 and the DKA capitalists went on to lose all power in the 2019 Chawosaurian elections to a new communist party called the Chawosaurian Communist Party, who still rules Chawosauria on the day this blog post was published.
There were differences between Chawosauria's 2017 elections and Canada and California's 2021 elections that have provoked envy but interest among Chawallian Communist Party veterans, starting with the 2021 California recall election, where Governor Gavin Newsom was able to crush a recall because of the surge of Republican Larry Elder as a leading candidate to replace Newsom in a scenario in which he was recalled, Larry Elder embraced politics VERY unpopular amongst Californians, but popular amongst the California Republican base, making the state and national Republican Parties realize that this recall election that they petitioned for turned out to be a power-grab experiment going horribly wrong. With everything not going according to plan for Republicans, Gavin Newsom was successfully reelected with the very same old election result that he won in 2018, causing turmoil within an empty-handed California Republican Party. Gavin Newsom won a bigger recall victory than Degotoga K. Atagulkalu's two recall victories, where DKA won by extremely narrow margins well under 51% of the vote with 2x communist challenger Timothy Max Roosevelt II running up a higher percentage of the vote than Larry Elder and really more a percentage than the pro-recall vote.
In Canada, Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Party, thought that his high poll numbers contributing to his approach to the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada by listening to scientists and encourage safety protocols and vaccines, will bolster his Liberal Party up from a minority government that was elected in 2019 up to a massive majority as seen being demonstrated in South Korea with President Moon Jae-in's Democratic Party of Korea in the 2020 South Korean legislative elections the following year and recent provincial elections in Canada, if Trudeau calls the planned 2023 Canadian election immediately to be held early now. The election was called on August 15, 2021, while on the same day the whole world was witnessing the horrifying Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, which utterly demoralized U.S. President Joe Biden and his country both domestically and internationally, and brought a horrifying future to Afghans, especially women and girls who reside in the country, causing a chaotic evacuation of allies and their Afghan colleagues via airlift and the disorderly withdrawal of military forces. After the election was called, Trudeau received stark criticism for calling an election to expand his hand in Parliament in the midst of a pandemic and an international crisis in Afghanistan, and the Canadian people saw through this snap election as clearly an obvious opportunistic power-grab. The election campaign was short, the election cost Canadian taxpayers an estimate $600 million, more than the $300 million that California taxpayers were forced to pay by the Republican Party to fund their own partisan power-grab election that literally led to complete nowhere for both California and the Republican Party, as mentioned in paragraphs above. The vote finally came on September 20th, and the election didn't deliver what Trudeau or the other parties wanted at all, a Liberal Party-led minority government was reaffirmed, but Liberals gaining way fewer seats than originally wanted but still lost the popular vote, the Conservatives failed to make crucial gains with an ideologically moderate strategy, the progressive New Democratic Party led by Jagmeet Singh didn't make crucial gains either but still gained a seat, and the other parties had similarly plain gravy results. Now this caused envy amongst Chawallian Communist Party veterans because back in the 2017 Chawosaurian legislative snap elections, the Chawallian Communist Party couldn't hold on to as many seats as possible to at least hold on to power like the Trudeau Liberals were able to, and former Prime Minister Jonathan Dragan Boleslaus IX, who died from COVID in March 2020 after leaving office in 2019 due to an expired term, would've been jealous as well. Unlike Canada and traditionally any other parliamentary country in the world, losing the Chawopolis Palace didn't really mean losing the office of Prime Minister, the Supreme Leader determines the fate of a Prime Minister. Before 2020, a Prime Minister takes position in the same procedure a U.S. Supreme Court justice takes position, a Supreme Leader nominates someone to take office as Prime Minister and then the Chawopolis Palace will have to approve the nomination by majority vote, without worrying about a filibuster since the last time a Prime Minister could've been filibustered from taking office, and that Prime Minister was Garfield Lucas Webster. When Boleslaus' Communist Party lost control of the Chawopolis Palace in 2017, DKA didn't felt he needed to fire Boleslaus because...well...his prime ministerial term is nearing an imminent end, so why firing him when he's already on the way out? The Communists' loss of the Chawopolis Palace was crucial in preventing Boleslaus from getting a potential second term as Prime Minister, which would've made him the first Prime Minister of Chawosauria since Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII in 1950 to retrieve a second term and the first Prime Minister since Bismarck to serve for more than one term.
Chawosauria's 2017 power-grab elections were different from the ones in Cali and Canada in 2021 in their own ways in terms of outcome, but they shared the same goals. The outcome was determined by political environment, in 2017 there was no COVID-19 pandemic, there was instead the rise of right-wing populism becoming mainstream since Brexit and the election of Donald Trump in 2016, while in 2021, there was the COVID-19 pandemic. Different political climates leads to different attitudes that determines the outcome of a certain election. Chawosauria and North America can learn from each other if they wish to do more power-grab elections again.
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