The Cold War Psychology of Chawosauria


The Cold War Psychology of Chawosauria

What became very clear in the 1995 Chawopolis Palace election...which saw the unexpected reelection of the Chawallian Communist Party after the fall of the USSR four years earlier...was that Chawosaurians at the time thought as if the Cold War was still going on. That Cold War Psychology continued to affect Chawosaurian elections beyond 1995, the Communists bolstered their supermajority in 1999 and 2005, showing how deep Chawosauria's Cold War Psychology was becoming. 

The Cold War ended in 1991 when the Soviet Union crumbled along with other communist states that neighbored the Soviet Union and caused instability in a few other communist states that also bordered next to Soviet Russia...known as the Revolutions of 1989. In the Chawosaurian world, Chawosaurians reacted to this crisis at the polls in 1989, the Communist Party was blamed for the instability going on in the communist world and Chawosauria's communists lost 47 seats in the '89 elections while they still held grip of a supermajority and the young and slick incoming Prime Minister and future Supreme Leader Shang Jong Parker was allowed to take over as Prime Minister with a pretty well-sized trifecta. 

On the day after the Soviet Union vanished away from the world map, the Communists in Chawosauria...including Prime Minister Shang Jong Parker himself...have decided that the 1995 Chawopolis Palace elections may have already been lost, their communist trifecta was gonna be gone, and George Windsor and his Social Democratic Labour Party is gunning up for a once-in-a-lifetime historic victory like the Communists had back in 1945 following the end of World War II...with George Windsor becoming Prime Minister by 2000 thanks to a Social Democratic majority that would help him take over.

After four-straight-years of fearing the ultimate worst, the Communists shocked the entire Chawosaurian world into a paralysis that even the Communists themselves were paralyzed in shock. The Communist Party won reelection in the 1995 Chawopolis Palace election and added 47 seats to their vulnerable supermajority, securing an 11th term as the ruling party of the Chawopolis Palace, and successfully defending the communist trifecta that they had since 1976. It also meant that George Windsor will not be Prime Minister by 2000 because there is no Social Democratic majority. 

It turns out that Chawosaurians in general still forgot the Cold War was over, and Prime Minister Shang Jong Parker's public opposition to Apartheid in South Africa actually bolstered voter turnout of Chawosauria's black community across the Chawosaurian nation in favor of the Communist Party. The Social Democrats' post-election autopsy came to the same conclusions. The Social Democrats screwed up on both fronts: the Social Democrats stayed neutral on the Apartheid issue due to fears of offending their traditionally white working-class base, and they failed to take advantage of a post-Cold War world. Richard P. Bentley, a Chawosaurian pollster, said the Social Democrats' handling of the 1995 elections was "bad politics". 

George Windsor was threatened with a party leadership challenge but he survived. The Social Democrats tires to lick their wounds and move to new strategic options for the upcoming 1999 Chawopolis Palace elections and the 21st-century is on the horizon. 

The Communist Party's Unbelievable Post-Cold War Presence

It is incredible that communism is still popular in Chawosauria despite the Revolutions of 1989. It is because Chawosaurians are not used to a post-Cold War world, and this is not new with Chawosaurians. Chawosaurians are highly resistant to change and they tend to be too stubborn to adapt to the new world order, this causes cultural polarization, and that was seen in the aftermath of the Chawo-Wolfsberg War. 

But starting in the 2009 Chawopolis Palace election, it seemed as if the Chawosaurians are finally snapping to the reality that the Soviet Union is long gone and the Cold War is now history. In the 2009 elections, the Communist Party lost 215 seats and a supermajority despite still retaining a simple majority of 317 seats and a healthy popular vote victory of just 52%. 

In 2019, Shang Jong Parker returns to Chawosaurian politics to run for the office of Supreme Leader in the 2019 Chawosaurian direct election, where he won the election in a landslide and kept his Communist Party win a coattail victory in the 2019 election cycle

By 2021, Chawosaurians still identify themselves as communists.

