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Chawosauria's Santiago era Prime Ministers on the left, and to the right is U.S. President Donald Trump |
Santiago Era Prime Ministers vs Donald Trump
"These Prime Ministers from the Santiago Age faced three world crisis that threatened Human Civilization. While Wilson had his own problem, it was Webster, McClellan, and Bismarck who lost their grip on the Premiership because they had to face these three world events that only ended up forcing them to retire" -Charles Basilica, Chawosaurian Historian
Will the COVID-19 pandemic take down Donald Trump? Well, these Santiago-era Prime Ministers of Chawosauria have been victims of being forced to step down due to a massive human disaster and these prime ministers were never seen again. Speaking of a pandemic and a quest for another term in office, Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII, a Santiago-era Prime Minister, will not be included because Donald Trump is a one-term President right now, so this article is gonna be focused on one-term Santiago prime ministers who either expected or sought a second term only for that quest to die due to a massive global disaster. Malcolm Wilson never met a global disaster but we'll still include him because while how he fell is not how Trump may fall, but another thing that broke his prime ministership has another thing in common with what may still break Trump's presidency: unpopularity.
Chawosaurian Prime Ministers: Malcolm Lyons MacKenzie Wilson, Garfield Lucas Webster, Theodore McClellan, and Jonathan Davgon Bismarck X, all failed to win a second term from Emperor Santiago because of Webster, McClellan, and Bismarck were forced to retreat from their quests for a second term because of three major global crisis, the 1918 Influenza Pandemic, the Great Depression, and World War II. Malcolm Wilson was forced to retire because of how unpopular he was.
While Trump would have to face the voters in 2020, the Prime Ministers faced the Emperor to see if they get a second term or not. Emperor Santiago (Johnathan Albert-Bowes Santiago Alexandria) has denied a second term to all of his Prime Ministers except for Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII.
Malcolm Lyons MacKenzie Wilson - His Unpopularity
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Malcolm Lyons MacKenzie Wilson |
In the 1905 Chawosaurian legislative elections, Wilson saw his tories losing 313 seats in the Chawopolis Palace to two liberal parties but thanks to the two-liberal party split, he retained first place to run a minority government with 218 seats. Despite winning the most seats, he lost the popular vote by a wide big margin. Wilson, because of his policies that favor the British Empire, became a very unpopular Prime Minister. Wilson was embarrassed by his Conservative Party losing the 1906 general election in the United Kingdom to the Liberals, even Wilson's native land, Scotland, wiped out the Conservative Party, this was when Emperor Santiago flatly decided he wanted a new Prime Minister, and that's when Garfield Webster comes to town. Denying Wilson a second term.
Wilson's fall could be similar to that of how Trump may fall if there is no Covid-19 pandemic. Trump's approval ratings throughout his whole presidency have been the weakest of any President who served before him. Trump is unpopular dangerously among Independent voters: voters who don't identify with neither the Democrats or the Republicans but vote for who they see as fit to do the job regardless of party. If Independents vote for the Democratic nominee in the 2020 election in a decisive margin, Trump could lose reelection embarrassingly despite a rainbow economy.
Throughout American history, unpopular politicians, including Presidents occasionally, don't get reelected very often. That is a warning sign for Trump.
Garfield Lucas Webster - 1918 Influenza Pandemic
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Garfield Lucas Webster |
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A hospital ward of infected flu patients suffering |
"Garfield Webster was never ready for a human disaster like this. Webster was met the greatest fall of any prime minister in Chawosaurian history, and he was never up to reconsideration by the public or Emperor Santiago" -Dorothy Webster-McClellan, Garfield Webster's daughter
This is the toughest way for a Prime Minister to fall so flat on his face. That really unlucky Prime Minister is Garfield Lucas Webster. In comparison between Garfield Webster and Donald Trump, this would be a perfect match, but only if Trump gets infected by the coronavirus which let's hope that doesn't happen. But it would be embarrassing for Trump and it would cost him some votes in 2020 just like back in the 1944 U.S. presidential election, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was on a quest to win reelection for an unprecedented fourth term but Roosevelt was visibly ill, but due to his health being hidden from the public, he was still reelected, only to die four months into that fourth term, resulting in Harry Truman the Vice President having to take over. If Trump does get infected with coronavirus, there's a good chance the Trump White House will attempt to keep that information from the American public, also lie about it too. The Roosevelt campaign also lied about Roosevelt's health too.
In the Chawosaurian world, Garfield Lucas Webster was facing his first global challenge: World War I, the Great War back then. But Webster wasn't up to that challenge, he did little to prevent the loss of lives of Chawosaurians who lived in Europe (where World War I mostly took place), Webster had to cancel the 1915 Chawosauurian legislative elections because of the severity of the war, only to face a public backlash over it. World War I made Webster a bitterly unpopular Prime Minister. With Webster's native land, Russia fell under siege by the Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin, a civil war struck within Russia between communists and monarchists. Feeling the heavyweight of World War I and the Bolshevik uprising in Russia, Webster became crazy, literally becoming mentally insane. By the time World War I ended in 1918 while the Russian Civil War continued to wage, Webster was already at the nadir of his mental health, seeing things that aren't physically there, being extremely paranoid, suffering from nightly nightmares of his death, and literally cutting his arm to drink his own blood.
Then...the Spanish flu. World War I was still going on and about to win, outbreaks of the flu starting to pop up all over Europe and the United States, but the militaries of the countries participating in the war from all sides blocked the media from reporting on the rising flu epidemic because of worries that this flu epidemic could depress popular mobilizing for the war effort. But the war nations couldn't stop the nations at peace from blowing the whistle on the flu. One of the neutral nations, Spain, had no problem with the media reporting on the flu outbreaks, then the news proliferates worldwide and because Spain exposed the flu outbreaks to the world, it gained its infamous name Spanish Flu. World government responses were weak, pathetic, and corrupt.
The Spanish flu starts to cause outbreaks in the Chawosaurian world, but the Chawosaurian government responded with apathy for those infected by the flu. Garfield Webster in 1919 was tasked to greet flu patients in Chawosaurian hospital wards, only to get infected in the process. In 1919, Webster showed symptoms of Influenza, he got so badly sick that it spread all across the Chawosaurian government, only Emperor Santiago was quarantined as a result of Webster's contagion. Doctors who examined Webster met Emperor Santiago and declared that he was unfit to serve a second term. Emperor Santiago was pressured by conservatives in parliament to accept the doctors' conclusions, and Santiago gave Webster to boot to retirement from politics against Webster's objections.
Webster left office on December 31, 1919, and was replaced by Theodore McClellan on January 1, 1920. Webster luckily recovered from the flu in 1920. The Spanish flu pandemic ended in 1921.
The Coronavirus pandemic could be Trump's fate, except Trump probably won't get infected but if he does get infected, then would the American people re-elect a deadly sick president? Coronavirus badly affects people who are older, and more unhealthy. Trump is in his 70s, he is clearly overweight, there are questions about his choice of diet, lack of exercise, and his cardio health, so if Trump gets infected with coronavirus, then the results may not be good for Trump, so would Americans bring themselves into re-electing a badly sick president? Well, we could find out. The Trump White House will attempt to lie about Trump's health, but they're not the Franklin D. Roosevelt White House, and the Trump team already has a reputation of lying, often or many times obviously.
Theodore McClellan - The Great Depression
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Theodore McClellan |
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A line of people lining up for free coffee and soup, this is one of the famous pictures of Great Depression life in the United States |
If you think a recession is not exactly an incumbent-friendly phenomenon, then you might be right. No president has won reelection in a bad economy. George H.W. Bush in 1992, Herbert Hoover in 1932, both of these recent Presidents have learned that lesson too well. In the 1932 election, Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt DESTROYED Republican President Herbert Hoover, nearly wiping him off the map
The Great Depression also affected the Chawosaurian Prime Minister at the time of the 1929 wall street crash, Theodore McClellan. He didn't face a reelection campaign but he ran away from a second term bid for Prime Minister because he didn't want to get mixed up with the unpopularity of the incumbent Republican Party, in which McClellan was a member of, so McClellan told Emperor Santiago to not give him a second term and force him to watch his Republican Party crumble in the 1930 congressional midterm elections and the 1932 presidential election in the United States.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused great damage to the world economy to the point it will take a decade, or possibly a world war, to recover. Trump is now in a situation where he has lost his holy pillar for reelection: a good economy. Now, without a running economy to run on, he needs something else. He can't use his handling of the COVID-19 crisis like many world leaders will do despite losing the economy as a reelection tool, so what now for Trump? Well simple, distract the public, lie to the public, and attack your political rivals. Will it work? Maybe, but what about among voters you'll need to win, Independent voters, suburban voters, 10% of the base of the opposition parties, and other swing voters. Apparently, Trump lost independents, suburbanites, he is struggling to retain 10% of Democrats supporting him, and he all he has now are just Republicans and Republicans alone. The Democrats have both Democrats and Independents, enabling them to outnumber Trump 2-1. This is checkmate, Trump has been defeated in a game of chess. If Democrats have swing voters, then they have the swing states, enabling the Democrats to win the electoral college and in addition, the popular vote.
Theodore McClellan was the only Prime Minister to fall to a recession. Today, Theodore McClellan is the last Republican to serve as Prime Minister of Chawosauria.
Jonathan Davgon Bismarck X - Outbreak of World War II
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Jonathan Davgon Bismarck X |
A Prime Minister to fall to a big war? Well, this won't be Trump's fate, but he is at war with coronavirus, and Trump is losing that war pretty badly. Well, Jonathan Davgon Bismarck X was never quite ready to lead Chawosauria through a war. So Bismarck decided that a second term is not for him in a WWII environment. Bismarck was replaced by a distant relative, a 17th cousin from Romania, Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII. Why would a Minnesota man retreat from a global crisis that would have impacted his prime ministerial legacy? Well, again, he didn't felt he was up to the challenge, especially after seeing how World War I affected Garfield Webster's mentality. Unlike Webster, Bismarck never had to live through a war, Webster went crazy because he knew a thing or two of how to live through a war, seeing people die all over the place in your path, knowing that you could be next in line to fall yourself. Webster's condition was due to post-war trauma.
Donald Trump was never up to a challenge like a pandemic. If Trump never thought a pandemic would slap him in the face, he'd be wrong surprisingly because most of us too never thought a pandemic could strike this soon. Trump may never think he'd be one of those presidents having to put up with a pandemic, well, he's now unlucky enough to face this fate.
Bismarck too never thought he'd be the one to deal with a world war, but Trump was brave to still seek a second term while Bismarck said "no thanks" to a second term. Trump was brave enough to seek reelection mainly due to arrogance, while arrogance was never Bismarck's trait, and that was Bismarck's downfall. Trump's fate will not be similar to Bismarck's as you think.
The Big Picture
Wilson was unpopular, Webster caught the flu, McClellan's political standing as a Republican was under siege by a bad global recession, and Bismarck was no FDR or Churchill when it comes to a world war, the result was these prime ministers having to step down against their will and live the rest of their lives embarrassed, ashamed, and humiliated, also regretting (even at their dying moments) their decisions not to rise up to the occasion and prove that they could be the leaders they could've been. This could happen to Trump, he is unpopular like Wilson, he has a global pandemic on his hands like Webster, and this pandemic is Trump's world war, but unlike these prime ministers who surrendered to pressure to step down, Trump won't step down without a fight, but unlike these prime ministers, Trump has to face the people, and by being unpopular even during a pandemic, he would have to fight but he might lose and eventually surrender.
These veteran prime ministers (former prime ministers) have spent the rest of their lives regretting their decisions to run away from battles that threatened their political careers, but their regrets wasn't political but personal. When Wilson died in 1965, his deathbed confession revealed that he long regretted favoring the British oppressors over the oppressed. In 1955, Webster died of a horrible brain tumor, in Webster's deathbed confession, Webster expressed sadness that he was ignorant about the Spanish flu, and he said that had he taken it seriously, he'd be revered as a great Prime Minister though he already is revered as a great prime minister despite the Spanish flu. McClellan died in 1957, and his deathbed confession, he felt ashamed for "being a coward" and ran home from taking a second term in a global recession state. Bismarck died in 1985, but he wasn't able to write a deathbed confession because of his Alzheimer's, but when Bismarck was first diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease in the 1970s, he did express the deepest regret for not having the same strength as FDR when he vowed to lead America through a world war, even if it meant running for more terms than two.
These prime ministers have their highs and...well, let's face it, they also had lows, but their biggest lows is being ignorant (Wilson and Webster) or being cowards (McClellan and Bismarck), and that haunted them even at their final moments.
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