The 2019 Chawosaurian Elections wasn't just an election, IT WAS A COMMUNIST REVOLUTION!

Karl Marx (far left), Frederich Engels (right next to Marx), Vladimir Lenin (right next to Engels, left next to Stalin) and Joseph Stalin (far right). This post-election Chawosaurian political poster celebrating the Communist Party's victory in the 2019 elections.

On October 4th, 2019, the Empire of Chawosauria had "a political revolution" against the ruling Capitalist parties. Incumbent Emperor Ekewaka Mikala Kalawai'a failed to get reelected. Kalawai'a lost reelection in the worst margin for a defeated Incumbent. The newly-elected Emperor, Shang Jong Parker, of the Communist Party, won 62.1% of the vote, to Kalawai'a's 36.3%.

In the 2019 legislative elections, the Communist Party won 893 seats to the Capitalists' 107 seats, giving the Communist Party a commanding supermajority but with the Monarchy on their feet, they have the mandate the govern, which spells deep concern and worry among anti-communists, liberal or conservative. So is it scary for you? Well, maybe not if you live in Chawosauria. Chawosaurian Communism does not work the way it previously had during the Timothian era (1976 - 2011) or the Revolution-era (2011 - 2019). So what happens when the Communist Party comes to power on January 1, 2020?

How will Chawosaurian Communism work?

The 2019 platform of Chawosaurian Communism has been merciful towards democracy unlike it was when Timothy Max Roosevelt was dictator, so the Chawosaurian Communist Party has created the doctrine of "Democratic Communism" when democracy will be encouraged under a Communist government, but there would be an infighting between Chawosaurian Communists and Shang Parker, Shang Parker supports China's model of Communism, which it's more authoritarian. So by the time Emperor Shang Parker and the Chawosaurian Communist Party are sworn into power by January 1, 2020, and start governing by February 1st, 2020, the Communist emperor and the Communist palace will be a check on each other and will forge compromises with each other.

While Chawosaurian Communists still want to enforce harsh penalties like deporting convicted criminals to Antarctica for them to die, the communists in Chawosauria prefer to govern democratically while Shang Parker wants to govern authoritarianly. The Chawosaurian Communism supports social democratic concepts such as labor unions, universal healthcare, education, and housing. Chawosaurian Communists also would allow political dissent and allow fair and free elections. So maybe living under Chawosaurian Communism is not as scary as you think, but don't judge a book by its cover. 

This is a way for Chawosaurian Communists to prove their capitalist opponents wrong, it is a fancy way for the Chawosaurian Communists to discredit the capitalists' warnings that the Communist Party will govern like the Chinese Communists. Once the Chawosaurian Communists start governing, the Capitalists may lose alot of credibility going into the 2024 elections five years from here, this is a risk the Capitalists do not want to take. What the Communist Party is doing is challenging the Capitalists to align with bipartisanship, a Capitalist alliance refusing or resistance would be a mistake that would haunt them.

The Communist Party had been doing soul searching since their decisive defeat in the 2017 elections, they dissolved their own party, they rejected Timothy Max Roosevelt II in the runoff, and they chose Shang Parker, hoping he would be a moderate, Democratic Communist. The Communist Party saw hour Chinese politics works, and they took the risk of having Shang Parker on their ranks, but a decent chance the Communist Party does not want to screw up, they can be a democratic check on Parker to make sure he does not become a dictator like the previous Communist Party did not do with Timothy Max Roosevelt, that Communist Party did Timothy Max Roosevelt's bidding, while the new Communist Party will be a check on Shang Parker. This kind of Communism became known as "Boleslausism" named after the earlier Democratic Communist, Jonathan Dragan Boleslaus IX. Some Communists critical of Democratic Communism called it "Jewish Bolshevism" in full display, and threatened to leave the party. 

Why did the Communist Party win the 2019 elections?

Antisemitism escalated when Benjamin Netanyahu became the subject of corruption investigations back in Israel, started to give Chawosaurians the stereotypical vision of Jewish people that explains why Chawosaurians have antisemitic feelings against them. On March 25, 2019, the United States recognized the Golan Heights as Israeli territory, which damned Chawosaurians to DEEP FEAR of Israeli world domination and Zionist occupation of the United Nations as a result.

Benjamin Netanyahu facing the potentiality of being indicted for corruption left a burdening, negatively stereotypical image of Jews among the eyes of Chawosaurians that "All Jews" are corrupt, secretive, and sneaky, and that in the eyes of Chawosaurians, because of what happened with Netanyahu, no Jewish person is to be trusted with political power because of fears that any Jewish politician would be "as corrupt as Netanyahu".

Because the United States has a much closer relationship with Israel, Chawosaurians held that against the Capitalists because the United States gained the reputation of being the ultimate defender for Capitalism, Democracy, and Western Civilization, attributing to conspiracy theories that the Capitalist-controlled 24th Chawopolis Palace of taking orders and bribes from Jerusalem rather than the People of Chawosauria. Resulting in a Communist Party wave that got the Capitalists voted out of power.

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