Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII vs Donald Trump: Similarities and Differences

Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII is doubted by some as "The Donald Trump of Chawosauria" because he shares similarities with Trump, many similarities. They're both wealthy, they're both conservatives, they have deep complications with race relations, and they stoked the flames of religious tensions in exchange for political power, but there is one flaw, Bismarck was more extreme than Trump. Bismarck and Trump have very little regard for democratic principles and constitutional order, and they would do anything to achieve their ends, but another flaw is that Bismarck is manipulative, cunning, and very persuasive, while Trump, on the other hand, does fight with fire to achieve his ends, but he always gives up, mainly if his own party turns on him, for example, Trump wanted to lift the sanctions on Russia imposed by Obama, but Congress, both houses controlled by his party until 2019, passed a bill that makes it harder for Trump to lift the sanctions, in addition to more sanctions, Trump threatened to veto, but the bill passed almost unanimously, which meant a veto would be too ineffective. Trump caved and signed the bill into law. On the other hand, Bismarck fought tooth to nail to get what he wants regardless if his own party turns on him. Bismarck broke political taboos and violated democratic ethics to get his way, sounds more like Trump, but Bismarck never surrenders, that's one difference between Bismarck and Trump. Unlike Trump, Bismarck was willing to admit defeat, in the 1945 midterm elections, Bismarck's majority caucus lost 178 seats, enough seats to lose a majority. Bismarck's defeat in the 1945 elections were so bad that he will never become Supreme Leader. Bismarck lost to the Communist Party led by Timothy Max Roosevelt, and he privately and openly admitted defeat. Unlike Bismarck, Trump refuses to acknowledge his own losses because it threatens his ego. In the 2018 midterm elections, Trump declared victory despite the fact that his party lost heavy loads of seats to the Democratic Party that the House of Representatives fell under Democratic hands in a shipload of 41 seats flipped from Republican to Democrat, giving the Democrats more than the required number of seats to flip the chamber. Trump did gained a couple of seats in the Senate, but overall, the Democrats gained loads of seats, eventhough in some states, Democrats failed to flip chambers of state legislatures. Won the popular vote in the House, Senate, and Governors' races.

Like Donald Trump, Jonathan D. Bismarck XVII used the "go back" language against his opponents. Bismarck did it in a racially-targeted language, like Trump. Bismarck said many of his liberal opponents were "Jews" and that they should "go back to Jew-infested Europe". Trump said the four Democratic Party progressive congresswomen should "go back" to their ancestral nations, but three of the four women were American-born.


Religious and Racial Tensions

Donald Trump with Muslims and Hispanics, Trump called for "a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" and also said "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best, they have alot of problems, and they're bringing these problems with us, they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I believe are good people". These comments caused controversy and massive criticism, but had a role in his victory although losing the popular vote. 

Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII targeted Jews, Blacks, LGBTQ, and Immigrants. Bismarck targeted Jews much of his political career, labeling them with every antisemitic canard he could ever think of, calling the Jews: devils, demons, pedophiles, and other names. Bismarck labeled his opponents as Jews because of their dissenting political views. After the Stonewall riots, Bismarck labeled LGBTQ people as Satanists, Jews, Witches, and popularly, Rapists. Bismarck attacked Black men as "sexually immature" and "low intelligent" and he attacked Black women with even worse stereotypes. 

Bismarck called for the mass genocides against Jewish people, he called for the re-enslavement of Black people, and the death penalty for Homosexuality. 

The "Go Back" language

Trump in a twitter tirade suggested that four Democratic progressive congresswomen of color should "go back" and fix their "crime-infested" nations. These comments sparked harsh criticism even from some or tips of his party. Trump attempted to distance himself from these comments by at first defend them as "not racist" but then criticized his supporters for chanting "send her back" in a rally, on which Trump reversed course. 

Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII repeatedly used the "go back" language against the Jews. Bismarck didn't believe Palestine was a Jewish homeland, so Bismarck said the Jews should "go back to hell", believing that Jews originated from hell. Every election, Bismarck said the Jewish people should "go back" to hell, and live there. 

In response to the Stonewall Riots, Bismarck used the "get back in the closet" language to demonize Homosexuals, and he accused LGBTQ people of being funded by Israel.

Incitement of Violence

Bismarck loved inciting violence against minorities (people of color, women, gays, and foreigners), Bismarck's favorite minority groups to inspire his supporters to attack were Jewish people, Black people, gay people, women, Muslims, and immigrants.

Recently, Trump's rhetoric caused violence in El Paso, Texas, but this isn't the first time Trump's rhetoric caused violence. Trump's rallies in Birmingham, AL, attacked a black lives matter protester, and a Trump supporter in October 2018, a month before the 2018 midterms, committed assassination attempts of two former U.S. Presidents, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama, and other politicians who criticized Trump. 

Sexual Perversion

The two men had extramarital affairs, they both sexually harassed and assaulted women, and they both had ties with child molestation. Bismarck committed statutory rape of minors, he raped women, and he had incestuous affairs with his distant cousins, almost call of them with the surname "Bismarck". Trump once said that if his daughter, Ivanka, wasn't his daughter, he'd dated her, suggesting that Trump had sexual feelings for his own child... Literally. Bismarck never had known affairs with his daughters, nor he revealed his possible sexual desire for them, but like Trump, Bismarck publicly revealed his own incestuous lusts within his own family. Bismarck had an affair with one of his 17th cousins, Elizabeth Victoria Bismarck, and Bismarck literally commented to her father, his 17th cousin once removed, Jonathan Drasko Bismarck XXII, about "how well" she performed in bed. Another 17th cousin, Charlotte Bismarck, also had an affair with Bismarck, and Bismarck openly commented to his friends about her "performance" in bed.

Trump was accused by several women of sexual misconduct, he had questionable ties with Jeffrey Epstein, who is a convicted child molester and sex trafficker, and Trump actually commented on Epstein's little attraction to women, saying in 2002 that Epstein liked women "on the younger side". Bismarck also had few ties with pedophilia, it is said that he was one too.

Approval Ratings

When Bismarck took office in 1940, his approval rating was 51%, while 45% stated their disapproval of him. Trump on the other hand, his approval rating varied, but closer than Bismarck's first approval ratings. Unlike Bismarck, it didn't take Trump three years to sink underwater, in the first two or three months, Trump's approval ratings began to fall, while Bismarck's approval rating took longer than Trump's to fall, it took Bismarck three years for his favorability ratings to collapse down to 45% and unfavorability to rise to 48% by 1943. By August of 2017, Trump's approval rating was so bad that according to Morning Consult, Trump's state-by-state approval rating hit dangerous levels for Trump especially dangerous for the 2020 election where Trump will run for reelection, and still as of July of 2019, Trump's state-by-state approval ratings are still dangerous for him for 2020. 

In terms of midterm elections, Trump's midterm approval was 38% while disapproval at 56% according to Gallups, but Bismarck's midterm approval was a little better than Trump's by one point, Bismarck's midterm approval rating was 39% approval and 55% disapproval. In the 2018 U.S. midterm elections, Trump lost 41 seats in the House while gaining only 2 seats to his Senate majority, despite the fact that the Republicans' House majority collapsed. Trump's loss of congressional seats was greater than any Republican President since Gerald Ford in 1974 in terms of the House of Representatives. In the 1945 Chawosaurian midterm elections, Bismarck lost 178 seats, worse than Trump's losses, 

Both Bismarck and Trump struggled to improve their approval ratings, only Bismarck had the worst approval ratings. 

Epic Midterm Defeats

In 1945, Chawosauria held a midterm election, on which Bismarck's party lost 178 seats to the winning Communist Party. In 2018, the United States also held a midterm, Trump's party lost 41 seats in the House of Representatives. Both Bismarck and Trump suffered the worst loss of seats than their recent predecessors. Bismarck's loss of seats was greater since Prime Minister Wilson's own loss of seats in 1905, which was 313. Trump's loss of seats was greater since President Ford's own loss of seats in 1974, which was 49. Wilson and Ford lost more seats than Bismarck and Trump. 

Bismarck lost in the popular vote worse than Trump's popular vote defeat. 


Relations with Jews

Trump and Bismarck differed when it comes to cooperation with Jews, Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is Jewish, and when he married his daughter, she converted to Judaism and then raised their children into Judaism. Bismarck was a strong opponent to Zionism, and the existence of Israel, while Trump solidly supports Israel's existence, but also the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a one-state-solution. While Trump still had complications with Jews by ignoring rising antisemitism in the U.S. and Europe and refused to announce the Charlottesville rioters who famously chanted: "Jews Will Not Replace Us!" and Trump still manages to fail at winning even a plurality of Jewish American voters in both the 2016 presidential election and the 2018 midterm elections, Trump differed from Bismarck on Jewish issues.

Bismarck was the biggest villain against Chawosauria's own Jewish community/ Bismarck incited violence and hatred against Jews, he encouraged discrimination against Jews, and he barred his children from intermarrying into Jewish families such as the Brunswicks, Danilovichs, Boleslaus, Brisksmans, and other Chawosaurian Jewish aristocratic families. 

Bismarck proposed extermination camps against Jews, similar to that of the Nazis' and proposed forced breeding camps to decrease Jewish blood from pure-blood Jewish families, and proposed genocides, ethnic cleansing, and "systemic re-education". Bismarck feared a "Jewish world order" so he wanted Jewish children from getting future careers and jobs. Under Chawosaurian law, all children, expecting to start school, all must take simple reading and math tests to determine their intellectual eligibility to go to school, but Bismarck made the tests biased against Jewish children by ordering that Jewish children take college-level math and reading tests to ensure that they'll fail, not be able to go to school, which would mean not able to get jobs or careers, and Bismarck used the test results to convince the media, politicians, and other establishments that Jewish people are intellectually disabled and they should not be eligible for employment or education at all. 

Base Size

Trump has a bigger base than Bismarck, the 2018 elections still showed areas where Trump is most strong, and he still has a pretty strong base, but like Bismarck, probably not strong enough to outnumber the base of the opponents. Bismarck's base shrunk and he lost marginally lost seats in every midterm election after 1945 to the point he had no seats in 1969 and 1975, where midterm elections were also held.

Intelligence and Experience

Bismarck was more experienced and intelligent than Trump, and Bismarck would be good at handling situations like the US-China trade war better than Trump, but there were times Bismarck was opposed to tariffs, Bismarck was intelligent in world politics and history. Trump on the other hand, not so much. In Trump's Salute To America parade, Trump inaccurately said the Patriots overtook the airports in the American Revolutionary War, the strange fact was that there were no airports back in the 18th century, even Bismarck knew that. Airplanes didn't exist in the 18th century, not even during Bismarck's birth year in 1890. Bismarck was 13-years-old when the first Airplane was invented on December 17, 1903. The inventors of the Airplane was the Wright Brothers, the two men were admired by Bismarck for the airplane. But flying was not unheard of because one of Bismarck's favorite activities was riding a hot-air balloon, Bismarck often gets injured when landing.

What would Bismarck think of Trump?

Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII would not evaluate Trump in a pleasant way, Bismarck would criticize Trump for his foreign policy approach on Israel, criticize his personal connections to Jewish people, and would see Bismarck as not Right-Wing enough for his taste. Bismarck believed in the extreme version of Right-Wing politics, such as banning all immigration, legal or illegal, slaughtering religious and racial minorities violently, establish the death penalty for Homosexuality while Trump promised to promote the legalization of Homosexuality in nations where homosexuality is still illegal as of 2019.

Bismarck was a Medievalist, he believed the Medieval Age was "the greatest era in human history" and he would see Trump as "pathetic" in a way and Bismarck wanted to return to that era. In Bismarck's belief, the Dark Ages was "the most Christian time in Europe". Bismarck wants to see religious wars, torture and death of those who aren't Christian or "Holy" in his eyes, Bismarck believed in the rule of Kings and Queens, and believed Democracy enabled "unholy forces" from Hell. 
