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Women dressed in the outfits from The Handmaid's Tale expressing their opposition to the State of Alabama's controversial anti-abortion law |
Just recently, the U.S. State of Alabama passed a law challenging Roe v. Wade (1973) † and it sparked strong reactions from both sides, the pro-choice and pro-lifers. For the Republican Party, it is a gift thanks to the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh's successful and pretty controversial nomination to the United States Supreme Court, but for women, it is a sellout by the Republican Party, at least for some. It will have an impact on the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Republicans, buckle up.
How Chawosaurian Prime Ministers viewed Abortion?
Chawosauria's early Prime Ministers didn't openly speak out of abortion, but in their personal lives, they hinted their views on the subject before abortion became an issue in the late 20th century. Prime Minister Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII became the first Prime Minister in Chawosauria to have spoken out on the issue of abortion, but not in a friendly way, and Prime Ministers after Bismarck have ignored the abortion issue. Leonid Ivan Bzovsky, Shang J. Parker, Joe Bohmer, and Garfield Baldwin, all these post-Bismarck Prime Ministers ignored the issue of abortion that they never spoke of the issue in their personal lives with family or friends, so these Prime Ministers are useless, but what about the pre-Bismarck Prime Ministers?
Frederick William Schwartz
Frederick William Schwartz, Chawosauria's first Prime Minister, barely hinted his view on abortion, but one hint was that Schwartz was raised with Victorian Values, which it's hostile to abortion. Schwartz' desire for women's rights such as women's suffrage as a progressive himself would have liberals think he was a champion for reproductive rights and birth control rights for women, but his Victorian values may prove liberals wrong, but this is speculation because Schwartz never talked about abortion both publicly and privately with witnesses, except his son, Wilhelm, who was openly pro-life, when Wilhelm asked if he supports abortion, Wilhelm said "No, I wasn;t raised that way", this should hint what Schwartz thought of abortion so far although again, never spoke of it in public, nor in private, but one contradictory hint was his son Wilhelm.
Malcolm Lyons MacKenzie Wilson
Now here's a man raised in Victorian Britain. Malcolm Lyons MacKenzie Wilson (1860 - 1965), Chawosauria's second Prime Minister from 1900 to 1909. Wilson was a strict believer in Victorian values, and again, Victorian society in Britain was hostile to the idea of abortion. Wilson was a member of the UK Conservative Party during his premiership, but after leaving office, he became a member of the Scottish National Party, a left-leaning nationalist party that champions Scottish Independence and they still exist today, if you know your political science very well, left-wingers tent to favor a right to obtain an abortion, so would that mean Wilson changed his views on abortion? Don't speak too soon, because, throughout Wilson's whole life, he never addressed the issue of abortion publicly or privately.
Garfield Lucas Webster
Meet the only Roman Catholic Prime Minister of Chawosauria. Garfield Lucas Webster (1860 - 1955). Webster was too raised in Victorian Britain, in his late childhood perhaps, and raised under the Catholic philosophy while living around the Vatican in his early childhood. So how did Webster felt about abortion? Well, no surprise, Webster didn't speak of the issue of abortion publicly or privately, and his children, Garfield Lucas Webster Jr (b. 1920), Severus Kaiser Webster (1921 - 2018), and Dorothy Mary Webster McClellan (b. 1930) all confirmed that Webster never spoke of abortion at all, but did confirm that like most family households in the old days, talks of abortion was not an appropriate topic around the dinner table. So Webster viewed abortion is a question that many would have to ask, because even Webster's children couldn't recall their father talking to them about abortion.
Theodore Alois McClellan
If you conservative viewers of mine are still hoping for an openly pro-life Prime Minister, Theodore McClellan isn't one of them either. But be patient, you'll find one. Theodore McClellan was born a year before the American Civil War began. McClellan was born in Boston, an American city rich with history even before America's existence, but a city tent to vote Democratic since the mid-20th-century. McClellan was so quiet on abortion his entire life, he even didn't address abortion to his only child, Nicholas. McClellan's silence is very disappointing to both pro-choicers and pro-lifers because McClellan, his whole life, flat out ignored the issue of abortion.
Jonathan Davgon Bismarck X
More disappointment for pro-choicers and pro-lifers alike. Jonathan Davgon Bismarck X avoided and ignored the issue of abortion publicly and privately. No hints in sight. Next!
Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII
We have a winner! It's the pro-lifers. Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII (1890 - 2013) was Prime Minister of Chawosauria from 1940 till the end of his fourth term in 1979. Bismarck was not shy of talking about his views on abortion. Bismarck had a strong moral objection against abortion, believing it is deadly to the unborn child, and it conflicted his moral standards. It is undeniable that Bismarck was the most conservative Prime Minister in Chawosaurian History, while all Prime Ministers before and after him are mostly left-leaning, while Malcolm Wilson was center-right.
Bismarck broke political taboos before, but violating the taboo of talking about abortion publicly was a step too far back in these days in Chawosaurian time. Unfortunately for pro-lifers, this always got Bismarck in huge political trouble, most prominently the 1965 midterm elections where Bismarck lost obliviously (view results). This is why Chawosaurian Prime Ministers don't talk about abortion during their premierships.
Bismarck broke political taboos before, but violating the taboo of talking about abortion publicly was a step too far back in these days in Chawosaurian time. Unfortunately for pro-lifers, this always got Bismarck in huge political trouble, most prominently the 1965 midterm elections where Bismarck lost obliviously (view results). This is why Chawosaurian Prime Ministers don't talk about abortion during their premierships.
Leonid Ivan Bzovsky
Nothing. NEXT!
Shang J. Parker
Nothing. NEXT!
Jonathan Lachlan MacAlasdair
Tricky but nothing. NEXT!
Jonathan Dragan Boleslaus
Still nothing. THAT'S ALL!
Take Away
9 out of 10 Prime Ministers of Chawosauria were too shy to openly take a stand a stand on abortion, except one Prime Minister, Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII, so the Pro-Lifers wins this day, but this victory may not last. By January 1, 2020, Chawosauria will have a new Prime Minister, Jonathan Sidney MacCarthy III, if he takes an open stand in favor of abortion, it will be a tie, pro-lifers have a victory, but that victory may not last.
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