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Leonid Ivan Bzovsky |
Leonid Ivan Bzovsky was the 7th Prime Minister of Chawosauria from January 1, 1980, to December 31, 1989. Bzovsky was known for his Authoritarian changes in how the Chawosaurian National Legislature called the Chawopolis Palace can legislate, operate, and continue on for future generations, in that point, he took control over Chawosauria's Cinema industry, heavily regulated Cartoons and Children's entertainment by replacing it for Political Propaganda, and strongly supported the Soviet Union. Throughout his premiership, he cracked down on Human Rights, Democracy, and a Democratic way of governing.
Deformed Birth, World War II Childhood, and Cold War Life
Leonid Ivan Bzovsky was born poor in the City of Lviv in Soviet Ukraine, on January 24, 1940, a cold winter day, to Walerian Bzovsky, and his niece and wife, Svitlana Alisa "Alisa" Bzovsky. He was born with a deformed, oversized left eye with no Iris, this deformity was caused by his parents' inbreeding. Despite his deformity, Bzovsky was able to know at least a bit about the world around him. His early five years of living was living in the World War II part of the Soviet Union, always hearing bombs, people screaming, even seeing war up close when having no choice but to go outside, and with little food given by the Soviets or his father having to find some in Soviet or Nazi-occupied areas. His father supported the Nazis over the Soviets because of anger towards Stalin over the 1932 Ukrainian famines that killed half his family.
World War II ended in partial Soviet victory, and Leonid, at the age of 5, saw the Soviets kicked the door open, arrested on accounts of treason and conspiracy against the USSR. Leonid barely knew what was going on, his mother was unable to protect Leonid and his other sick siblings, and he never saw his father afterward. Leonid's father was deported to Siberia to a gulag and died trying to escape. Leonid's mother died in 1953, with Leonid at her side, Alisa told the 13-year-old Leonid that his father was taken by the Soviets for refusing to support Stalin against Hitler, and Leonid's mother got sick because of another famine in 1947, where Leonid suffered so bad.
Since Leonid's parents died, Leonid was struck by the idea that getting involved in Soviet politics and support the USSR regardlessly will protect his life from Siberia or sickness, or worse, appearing weak in the eyes of the Communist universe of the Eastern side of the World. In 1956, he attended Moscow State University by struggling with education and succeeded. Entered the Soviet Army in 1959, married Stalina Sadowski, and had his first son in 1962 in Soviet Kazakhstan.
He actually fought in the Vietnam War and successfully survived through the whole war, observing his fellow soldiers by watching them getting killed, and watching how the opponents from the West fight, and how the Communists fight and used the lessons to fight. His biggest strength was war because he was born in a war, he lived through a war in his early childhood, and he actually fought through a war, his only intellect was warfare, and he loved war.
Post-Vietnam War Life and Rise in Chawosauria
The Vietnam War ended in Communist victory, which emboldened Bzovsky. Bzovsky met his hero, Mao Zedong, visited Joseph Stalin's grave, the man who killed half of Bzovsky's family, and during the war, met with Timothy Max Roosevelt II, who got him into the Empire of Chawosauria. Bzovsky met Timothy Max Roosevelt senior, and Timothy immediately became attracted to Bzovsky's ambition. Bzovsky was named the successor of Jonathan Dragan Bismarck XVII as Prime Minister of the Empire of Chawosauria. Bismarck opposed this decision, saying "Garfield Lucas Webster would be rolling in his grave, he would never want this to happen when he first saw the rise of Communism in the late 1910s to early 1920s." Timothy Max Roosevelt ignored Bismarck's objection and nominated him anyway. An angry son of Garfield Lucas Webster, Garfield Lucas Webster Jr, angerly told Bismarck "You failed to fight for my dad who deeply feared this would happen, you son of a bitch".
On January 1, 1980, Bzovsky was sworn in traditionally at Adare Manor at Adare, Ireland. On February 1, 1980, once he began governing, he cracked down on Human Rights, and overwhelmingly took control of Chawosauria's cinema industry to regulate children's entertainment to only allow kids in Chawosauria to see political propaganda and educational television. He changed the rules of the Chawopolis Palace as part of his role as Speaker of the Palace, and throughout the whole tenure, Bzovsky was instrumental in striking down the Christianization package installed after the First Brutal War, which was a Conservative package of societal reforms met to assimilate Chawosaurians into Christianity and Christian culture. By 1989, Chawosauria became secular, communist, atheistic, and militarized.
Post-Premiership and Post-Cold War Life
Bzovsky was able to freely retire by January 1, 1990, leaving the Premier's office to another Communist, Shang J. Parker, and the Premier's office continued to be reigned by Communists until 2020. But the Cold War ended, the Soviet Union crumbled, and in the eyes of Bzovsky, even today in 2019, Bzovsky sees Russia as purely unrecognizable, sees the world as "unfamiliar" and decides to live in Tokyo, Japan, to search for a new life. Bzovsky hides in isolation in confusion struggling to deal with a changing unfamiliar world.
Character Analysis
Bzovsky was traumatized but determined to show he can fit in with the world around him. His greatest fear is failure, especially being seen by society as a failure or a weakling, that fear escalated when his parents were killed by the Soviet government. Bzovsky always sees the world as unrecognizable, but this worldview escalated the more he aged and the more the world changes. Bzovsky never resents change, but reacts with the loss of very little memory he had of his life.
Because of being the product of inbreeding, he had little knowledge of everything he sees, giving him an intellectual disability, but because of the drama of his early life, he was able to know little of what happened and what he believed he needed to do to prevent what happened to his family from happening to him. If you think Bzovsky is confused about the world he sees in 2019, you're underestimating how confused he is today.
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