Chawoversia Blogspot projects WOLFOWITZ WINS

Banner announcing Wolfowitz's Victory

Chawoversia Blogspot Projection

Chawoversia Blogspot projects that Communist Nominee, Jonathan Draco Wolfowitz, will be the winner of the Election in California for the Chawosaurian Comrade State Senate.


This election does show that Emperor, Degotoga K. Atagulkalu is a very unpopular emperor in California eventhough California voted for DKA in the 2017 Special Election, where DKA buried Timothy II in the state, but tonight, a Communist, winning the state with 80% of DKA's own former supporters and voters supporting Wolfowitz in opposition to the person they voted for.

This election is perfect spotlight evidence that the Communists will tsumani the Capitalist Government TO DEATH by December 31, 2019. Capitalists, brace for impact!
