The DARK AND NASTY SECRET of Chawosauria's Aristocracy

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Ever wonder are is any shame in Chawosauria? Well, of course, there is, one of Chawosauria's most nastiest secrets involves Sex and Reproduction. In the Aristocracies of Chawosauria, members of Aristocratic Families of Chawosauria have been Inbreeding to keep the Aristocratic Bloodline.

If you're a person who knows your World History very well, you shouldn't be as surprised as you are now, see, in the European Monarchies probably before World War II or probably after, European Aristocratic Families of the Monarchs (including the Monarchs themselves) have been Inbreeding to keep the European Royal Bloodline strong and alive, it also happened in Ancient Egypt, where Pharaohs and the families of these Kings inbreeding to keep their royal bloodline alive.


After the Timothian Dynasty came to power in 1976 after the 1975 Federal Election, there had been Intermarriages with other Aristocratic Families, but as time runs by before Timothy's death and after, the offspring of these Intermarried Aristocratic Families with the Roosevelts (NOT Teddy Roosevelt or Franklin D. Roosevelt's family) were born as cousins and siblings to each other and decided to marry each other (some for love, others to keep the royal bloodline alive) to Keep the Royal Bloodline alive, which eventually led to Inbred Offspring, which most of them had and have Genetic Sexual Attraction (GSA) which is a mental disorder that can be genetic that a person who has GSA falls in love with blood relatives. 

List of Aristocratic Families in the Timothian Dynasty

KEY: * denotes to families engaging in Incest and Inbreeding. ? denotes to unknown or unsure status.
  1. Roosevelt* (NOT the Roosevelt Family from American History)
  2. Montgomery*
  3. Schwartz*
  4. Bismarck*
  5. Webster*
  6. Beshiltheeni
  7. Eluwilussit
  8. Bagwunagijik
  9. Atagulkalu
  10. Dakota
  11. Dagrun?
  12. Baldwin?
  13. Lincoln (NOT the Lincoln Family from American History)
  14. Kingston
  15. MacKenzie Family*
  16. Alexandria Family?
  17. Shanyang Family?
  18. Mondale Family

List of Aristocratic Families who are Engaging in Incest and Inbreeding by Sexual engagement line.

KEY: --- denotes to which Aristocratic Family is sexually engaged with which Aristocratic Family.
  • Montgomery --- Schwartz
  • Schwartz --- Bismarck
  • Bismarck --- Webster


Chawosauria's government is supposed to be a Communist Government, but the nation's tradition of having a Monarch never faded away and never will. In Chawosauria, Cousin Marriage is NO taboo, but other Incestuous Marriages are under discussions of debate.

Before you judge Chawosauria for being a nation of Incest, you might wanna look at your Country first!

Blue: Cousin Marriage is Legal | Red: Cousin Marriage is Illegal | Orange: Cousin Marriage is legal only if you're a Muslim.


Dark Blue: Cousin Marriage is legal unlimited | Light Blue: Cousin Marriage is legal but limited | Red: Cousin Marriage is illegal | Pink: Cousin Marriage is illegal unless there's an excuse | Dark Red: Both Cousin Marriage and Sex between Cousins is illegal.
If YOU wanna judge Chawosauria for being a nation that supports Incest, well, you might wanna watch it, because you would show HYPOCRISY of the Nation you live in. Be careful how you criticize Chawosauria!

You Wanna Criticize Chawosauria Now?

Those who live in Countries or States where Cousin Marriage is legal has no place to Criticize Chawosauria, but if do, says the critic who lives in a state where Cousin Marriage is allowed. Now, that doesn't mean Cousin Marriage is either OK or Not OK, doesn't mean Inbreeding is OK either, Inbreeding causes lots of problems for the baby and the baby would die at birth as well, but those who criticize despite Hypocrisy does get awkward and credibility risking.
