Red Circle with Line on the Capitalists' Decisive Victory in the 2017 Special Election represents 2019 will not look like this.
If you're wondering if there is hope for the Capitalists, well, there's not, that's kinda like hoping you're not gonna die at all when in reality you're going to at some point. The Capitalist Government, (who has been in power since January 2018 after their big win in 2017) has no chance in winning the 2019 Federal Election because Chawosauria is still a Communist Nation by voting demographic.

There will be a Massive Communist Tsunami wiping out the Capitalists and it's unpreventable.

The Capitalist Parties of Chawosauria are completely out of touch with reality, foolishly thinking they have the arsenals and the plans to beat Timothy Max Roosevelt Jr, the Communist Candidate, when in reality, THEY DON'T. Timothy II, the Communist, he has the arsenals to wipe out the Capitalists in all branches of the Chawosaurian Government, National, State, and Local, the Capitalists are gambling with a candidate they'll regret gambling with by next December in 2019.

The Capitalists are gonna get tsunamied out of power, they're gonna get hit by a tsunami that is SO FREAKEN HUGE, it can wipe out an entire Continent. This tsunami gonna be BIGGER than Timothy Max Roosevelt's tsunami in the 1975 Federal Election.
