2019 Federal Election will be Chawosauria's NEXT 1975 Federal Election?

Soviet Flag Flying
In the fiction of Chawosauria, the Poseidon Scandal has signaled the possibility of a Communist Party landslide in the 2019 Federal Election.

1975 Federal Election

1975 was a federal election year when the Communist Party of Chawosauria has won a landslide victory and has ruled Chawosauria since then. The Anti-Communists have won zero states, and 32M votes while the Communists won 1.5 Billion votes.

Get ready for another 1975 Federal Election

Chawosaurian Corporate World is Deeply Mired in Scandal

The corruption of the Atlantican Empire Company in Chawosauria and their role in the Poseidon Scandal has deeply tarnished Chawosauria's Corporate World as they are mired in scandal. 

As the corporations are retaliating against the Chawosaurian Government's Investigation of the Poseidon Oil spill, and the Anti-Communists, now in power since the 2017 Special Election, being led by DKA, are sinking in opinion polls for the 2019 elections.


The possibility of a Communist landslide in 2019 is growing fast, the Anti-Communists are unprepared to run for reelection, and are going to run away and coward out from the election.
