87% of Chawosaurians have an unfavorable opinion of Elon Musk

 Elon Musk is unpopular with 87% of Chawosaurians - Gallup Chawosauria

Gallup Chawosauria had did a poll on Elon Musk with 200,193,187 Chawosaurians polled, and 87% of them said they dislike Elon Musk ...Ouch! 

Reasons were asked to be presented, and 63% said Elon Musk is "motivated by his ego" and 34% said he's doing nothing to contribute to the environment with his Tesla corporation. 

Asked about the opinion of Elon Musk buying Twitter, a social media app Chawosaurians don't use but their government has an account, a record 70% of Chawosaurians said "not surprised" and 66% said they would not join an Elon-reigned Twitter even if they're paid. Chawosaurians were then asked about Twitter leadership selling Twitter to Musk, with 77% of Chawosaurians called a "cowering sellout". 

Elon Musk is not very popular in Chawosauria, nor would he be ever. 
