Empire of Chawosauria: The Republican Party Has Abandon Prime Minister Garfield Lucas Webster and Chawosaurians ARE TIRED OF IT!
Chawosaurians Feel That The U.S. Republican Party ROYALLY Disrespected The Memory Of Late Prime Minister Garfield Lucas Webster!
"We Feel Disrespected!" -Chawosaurian public
This is the feeling of Chawosaurians after watching Trump supporters armed with militias attempted to stop the United States Congress from certifying President-elect Joseph R. Biden II as the 46th President of the United States after defeating incumbent President Donald Trump in the 2020 U.S. presidential election in an electoral college vote of 306 for Biden to 232 for Trump out of the total 538 electors of the U.S. Electoral College with 270 being the magic number to win. Biden also wins the national popular vote with 51.3% to Trump's 46.9%, which is a rare kind of popular vote victory over an incumbent President in the modern days of American electoral history...a solid healthy majority of the American electorate rejecting a sitting President, that has not happened since 1980, when Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter with a slim majority of 50.7% of the voters rejecting President Carter's request to the have a second term.
In reaction, the Republican Party, the party that Trump aligned himself with, sought to challenge the results of the election to appease Trump's hurt feelings because Trump won't concede defeat to avoid looking like the kind of person he was raised to look down on...a loser. Other reasons include...with this loss, and his first (and now only) term nearing the end, he will be stripped of his protection from legal prosecution for financial crimes and other crimes that he did in the U.S. State of New York due to an Attorney General in New York whose targeting Trump hard. Trump made up claims of voter fraud done by the Democrats to win the election, in part to avoid taking responsibility for his own loss, distract attention from other matters to keep himself top of the news, and make money by lying to his supporters that that money they donated are for legal challenges to invalid "illegal" votes (actually legally cast ballots by Democratic voters), when he's really using that money to pay his campaign debts and pocket them once he leaves.
Trump becomes impatient with the system, 60+ defeated court cases due to a lack of evidence of voter fraud, or Trump lawyers having to actually admit that there is no voter fraud to avoid being penalized for bringing lawsuits that they themselves knew may likely lead to perjury charges against them. Trump tried to get state legislatures in swing states Biden won but have Republican majorities in these same state legislatures to appoint slates of electors for him, which was how the Electoral College used to work until the 1828 U.S. elections, and after that failed, Trump thought a 6-3 conservative majority Supreme Court of the United States that is ideologically aligned with Trump, would rule to invalidate certain swing states won by Biden to hold on to power, but due to a lack of evidence of electoral irregularities, the Supreme Court blocked Trump's chances, and then the U.S. State of Texas (which Trump won) tried to sue all the swing states that Biden won for "not obeying their own election laws" to the Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court said that has no merit either.
Trump then hoped that once the Electoral College officially meets in their state capitols to affirm Biden's victory, that there will be "faithless electors" who will either replace Biden electors to vote for Trump, but in the summer of 2020 before the vote, the Supreme Court says states can punish faithless electors and states already have laws that prevent electors from voting against the popular vote result of their state. The Electoral College formally approved Joe Biden as the President of the United States surprisingly without any faithless electors defecting neither from Biden nor Trump.
The Electoral College would have to be counted by Congress, but Trump placed a bet that his VP Mike Pence will block the certification, thereby blocking Biden from winning the election, but not realizing that the Vice President used to have that power until the aftermath of the 1876 U.S. presidential election, which was bitterly contested, and then Congress passed the Electoral Count Act, which strips the VP of the power to block a winner from taking power...and today, that law still stands.
Mike Pence said he can't block Joe Biden from becoming President because of that law, he said all he could do is simply just open up the electoral college ballots, read them, count them, and say who is President based on how many electoral college ballots each candidate has compared to the other. Congress can however agree to throw out these electoral college ballots and possibly if not mistaken unilaterally select the President themselves, but the problem was that the two houses of Congress are not under the control of one party: one chamber is controlled by the Democrats (Biden's party) and the other chamber is controlled by Republicans (Trump's party) and most Republicans don't even feel comfortable taking that route even if they control both chambers by the slimmest majorities.
This made Trump finally losing his patients with the entire Congress and his own party, he called for a big protest at the U.S. Capitol to stop Congress from declaring Biden the one true President of the United States, but that protest turned into a full-blown violent rebellion against the United States federal government, Trump and Giuliani to a rally of the same protesters at the White House lawn both used what seemed to sound like war-language that would be used in coups around the world, and Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol to stop the certification of Biden's victory by breaking windows, coming in with machine militias with them, fighting with Capitol security forces, and forcing members of Congress to temporarily postpone the certification vote, hit to their bunkers, and they stayed there till the rioters were cleared out of the Capitol.
Trump realized that the scenes of the riots were too much that he tried to plea his supporters to stop the violence and go home while repeating claims of voter fraud, and that was widely criticized and he was blocked from social media as a result for calling the terrorists "special" and says he "loves them".
The rioters left the capitol, allowing Congress to have free reign to still certify Biden's victory, and the U.S. Republican Party may be thinking they sacrificed the 2022 U.S. midterm elections over to the Democratic Party, which would be a historic defeat for the Republicans because normally when a party loses the presidency, they gain control of Congress in that president's midterm election.
Trump lost GOP supporters who were gonna object the electoral college, but the riots turned off these 19 of the 140 Republicans in the House.
Response from the Chawosaurian public
Garfield Lucas Webster (17 January 1860 - 25 December 1955) was Chawosauria's 3rd Prime Minister back in the 1910s. Now deceased after 95 years living on Earth, Webster is a beloved progressive Prime Minister who was part of the United States Republican Party before conservatism overtook the Republican Party completely in the mid to later 20th-century.
Garfield Webster is a very beloved late Prime Minister among the Chawosaurian public, Webster is widely honored for his progressive reforms that the Chawosaurian nation continues to live under, and already the Republican Party's conservative strain makes Chawosaurians feel disrespected, they see the conservative platforms of the GOP as "a direct insult to the memory of Webster, therefore, a direct insult to them personally" and Chawosaurians do not like this.
But...what Chawosaurians saw from their TVs in Washington DC, Chawosaurians HAD ENOUGH of the Republican Party! This was a direct blowing insult and a nationalistic assault on the national identity of the Chawosaurian public, because of the exact Republican Party that Chawosauria's mascot Prime Minister Garfield Lucas Webster seems to become the party of lawlessness and disorder, dictatorship, authoritarianism, and anti-democratic sentiment, which none of which Garfield Webster represented during his prime ministerial term. It is also notable that Webster staunchly opposed the Bolshevik uprising in Russia because communism originally had an anarchistic definition and communism wasn't popular among Chawosaurians until World War II.
Impact on Chawosaurian politics
Chawosauria's own Donald Trump: Charles Muskie, dropped out of his reelection campaign as Leader of the Opposition against Shang Jong Parker in 2021 and dropped out of the 2024 Chawopolis Palace elections for Prime Minister, and he is being pressured to drop his bid to unseat Chawosauria's incumbent Communist Party-affiliated Supreme Leader, Shang Jong Parker, in the October 2029 election, which if Muskie does that, Shang Parker would be the first national incumbent since Timothy Max Roosevelt when he was running for reelection as Speaker of the Chawopolis Palace uncontested in the 1969 Chawopolis Palace elections.
Chawosaurian Government's Response
The Chawosaurian Imperial Government sharply criticized the United States Republican Party for "vomiting on the memory of late Prime Minister Garfield Lucas Webster, who was himself a Republican" and praised Webster's liberal reforms that Chawosaurians continue to take advantage of today.
List of Prime Minister Garfield Lucas Webster's Landmark Accomplishments
Here is a list of prime ministerial accomplishments of Garfield Webster that Chawosaurians still live with:
- The Power of Labor Unions: Webster strengthened the power of labor unions over politicians in Chawosauria and he weakened the power of corporations over politics.
- Continental Boarding Schools: A way to provide free education to all Chawosaurians regardless of their economic class, Webster established Continental Boarding Schools where all Chawosaurians in a certain continent will attend one boarding school. These boarding schools still exist and they are paid for by the higher taxes paid by wealthy Chawosaurians by Webster himself.
- The End of Child Labor: Webster ended Child Labor in Chawosauria.
- Conservation Reserves: Chawosauria has conservation reverses, which are districts where trees are not allowed to be chopped down and nature cannot be disturbed. Webster invented the idea of "a conservation reserve". These conservation reserves were the very first of all environmental laws passed in Chawosaurian history. These reserves still stand and due to harsh penalties and the impossibility of repealing such reserves, these reserves were never tampered with nor they were challenged by anti-environmentalists.
- Chawosauria's first Green Collar Jobs: What was close to a Green New Deal, Webster introduced and implemented hydroelectricity plants and expanded beyond Webster's prime ministership.
- A Living Wage: Webster implemented a living wage that still exists and effective in Chawosauria.
- Free Universal Healthcare: Webster implemented universal healthcare, the same system in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, France, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Webster's healthcare system is financed by wealthy taxpayers.
- Chasing the Ku Klux Klan Out of Chawosauria: In 1915, as a result of the pro-Confederate silent black and white film: The Birth Of A Nation, the Ku Klux Klan, which was dissolved by the U.S. Military ordered by President Ulysses S. Grant during the Reconstruction days, was re-established, and eventually, they gained popularity in the Chawosaurian world. The Chawo-KKK began terrorizing Chawosauria's black community, and the Webster administration responded to the klan with heavy military force, breaking up klan rallies and arresting their leaders, but the klan attempted to fight back, known as the Chawo-Klan War, but the Chawosaurian military won the war, and the klan ran into exile out of Chawosauria's borders.
These are the landmark accomplishments of Garfield Webster that the Chawosaurian government wishes the modern U.S. Republican Party would learn from and appreciate so much.
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